
The People-Pleasing Dilemma: Our Need to Please & Be Liked

What is people pleasing?

People pleasers often go out of their way to accommodate the emotional needs of others in an effort to be liked, to ‘keep the peace’, not disappoint the other and fundamentally avoid conflict at all costs. At the core of people-pleasing lies a deep-seated fear of rejection and abandonment. There is an underlying belief that worthiness and lovability are contingent upon meeting others’ expectations. Disappointing others or being met with disapproval can evoke intense anxiety and elicit a need to please.

People pleasing can look like:

  • Struggling or feeling bad for saying no.
  • Difficulty setting appropriate boundaries or expressing limits to what we are willing to accept.
  • Not expressing a contrary opinion to minimise our own anxiety about being perceived in an unfavourable light.
  • Believing never disagreeing will provide validation and approval.
  • Constantly apologising and taking responsibility for actions and events we are not, to minimise awkwardness and discomfort.
  • Hiding our real feelings to avoid conflict and, or hurting the other
  • Using different personas with different people. Often we can see this ‘chameleon like’ behaviour as being ‘adaptable’ but we sacrifice our own true opinions, values, beliefs and self.
  • Feeling exploited. We can start to feel taken advantage of and resent the other for not being aware of the imbalance in the relationship and/or not noticing our needs.
  • Burnout – apparent ‘harmony’ comes at the expense of our genuine feelings and thoughts and can eventually lead to harbouring resentments and our own mental and physical burn out.

Early Attachments and Developmental Influences

Our earliest experiences with attachment and connection lay the foundation for how we relate to others later in life. Individuals who grew up in environments where their needs weren’t consistently met or where their caregivers were emotionally unavailable may develop a strong inclination towards people-pleasing behaviours.

The need to please others can also stem from unmet psychological needs for validation, acceptance, and belonging. Those who struggle with low self-esteem or a lack of self-worth may seek external validation as a means of bolstering a fragile sense of self. Underpinning the constant striving to meet others’ expectations and gather praise is the desire to fill the void within and find the sense of belonging and acceptance deeply craved.


In psychotherapy, individuals struggling with people-pleasing tendencies are encouraged to explore their underlying beliefs, fears and emotional patterns driving the need to be liked. Through this examination we can begin to name and challenge the motivations behind the need to please so much and cultivate a deeper understanding of our own sense of worthiness and intrinsic value.

By cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance we can challenge the harsh self-criticism and perfectionism that is often associated with people-pleasing behaviour. Therapy can also assist in developing assertiveness skills to communicate needs, preferences, and boundaries effectively, while still respecting the autonomy and boundaries of others.

Ultimately, the journey towards healing from people-pleasing involves embracing authenticity, self-compassion, and empowerment. By recognizing and challenging the core beliefs and fears driving our behaviour, we can reclaim agency over their lives and cultivate fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect and authenticity.


Anxiety: Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

From the occasional spell of nervousness to chronic feelings of fear and worry, anxiety has become an increasingly prevalent challenge for many individuals.

Anxiety is a natural human response to stress and perceived threats. It is often characterized by feelings of apprehension, unease, and worry. While occasional anxiety can be normal, excessive or persistent anxiety can interfere with daily life, relationships, and ability to live life as fully as you want to.

It’s time to seek help if you:

  • Feel like you’re worrying too much or it has started to interfere with your relationships or work
  • Are struggling to control feelings of fear or worry
  • Feel depressed or have other mental health concerns in addition to anxiety
  • Are using substances like alcohol or drugs to manage your anxiety
  • Understanding anxiety and learning effective coping strategies is beneficial for maintaining mental well-being in the face of this condition.

Anxiety will feel different for everyone, but some common symptoms include:

  • A churning stomach
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • Faster breathing (hyperventilation)
  • Increased heart rate or thumping heart
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling worried
  • Feeling tense, nervous and unable to relax.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort

Lifestyle Adjustments such as incorporating healthy habits can significantly impact anxiety levels. Forming good sleep hygiene, maintaining a balanced diet, reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption, and avoiding nicotine can all contribute to a more stable emotional state. Creating good time management, setting realistic goals, and learning to delegate tasks can also help alleviate stress and reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Psychotherapy and counselling can be a very advantageous route to uncovering anxieties at a deeper level.

How Can Psychotherapy and Counselling Help? 

Everyone experiences anxiety differently so the therapy process is bespoke to your needs.
Psychotherapy offers a safe and non-judgemental space to examine what your mind and body are telling you while exploring and challenging your thoughts and the meaning of your anxiety.

Identifying and acknowledging the factors that can generate anxiety help us to develop personalized strategies to alleviate the impact of anxiety on our lives. Recognizing the mind-body connection is vital in managing anxiety effectively.

Common triggers can include:

  • Work-related stress
  • Financial pressures
  • Health concerns
  • Trauma in adulthood, childhood trauma or witnessing a traumatic event
  • A painful long-term medical condition
  • Certain medications
  • Familial history of anxiety disorders
  • Drug or alcohol misuse
  • Major life changes.

Additionally, genetic factors, imbalances in brain chemistry, and environmental influences can contribute to anxiety disorders.

Rather than just focussing on the symptoms, psychotherapy addresses the underlying root causes which are fuelling anxious thoughts, feelings and behaviours. With this deeper exploration, it is possible to make meaningful and longer-lasting changes.

At times it may feel like anxiety is an insurmountable hurdle, but it is important to remember that there is hope and help available. By understanding anxiety’s causes, recognizing its physical and emotional manifestations, and adopting effective coping strategies, we can regain control over our lives. Embrace the journey towards finding calm in a chaotic world, and know that brighter days could lie ahead.

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Relationship Therapy

Maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship requires work and dedication from both parties. However, sometimes even the most loving relationships can experience difficulties, conflicts, and misunderstandings. This is where relationship therapy can help.

Relationship counselling or therapy, also known as couples therapy or marriage counselling aims to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships between two people. You can have relationship counselling if you’re married, living together, working together, related, single, gay, bi-sexual or straight.

Couples therapy provides an opportunity to learn how we interact with each other in relationships, to recognize recurring patterns of behaviour and where these may stem from so healthier, more beneficial choices can be made going forward.

Causes of Relationship Problems:

  • Affairs/infidelity
  • Communication problems
  • Money/debt issues
  • Sexual incompatibility
  • Sexual problems – male and/or female
  • Impact of infertility – male and/or female
  • Falling out of love
  • Arguments/irritability
  • Wanting a new relationship
  • Abusive relationships
  • Mental health difficulties in one partner impacting relationship

How can relationship therapy help?

1. Improve communication
Communication is key in any relationship. Couples learn how to communicate effectively and listen actively to each other. This can help to improve the overall quality of the relationship and counteract future misunderstandings and conflicts.

2. Resolving conflicts
Relationship therapy can help couples to learn how to resolve disagreements in a constructive and healthy manner in order to find mutually beneficial solutions. Learning how to express feelings and needs in a non-judgmental way can enable couples to learn how to work together.

3. Deepening intimacy
In intimate relationships, therapy can help couples to deepen their emotional connection and intimacy. Exploring feelings and needs can enable couples to learn to be more vulnerable and open with each other. In non-intimate relationships, two people can work on creating a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship by deepening their understanding of one another.

4. Building trust
Trust is vital in any relationship. Therapy can help couples to rebuild trust after a breach has occurred. By exploring the underlying issues and working together to find solutions, couples can learn to trust each other again.

5. Enhancing overall satisfaction
By learning new skills and tools to manage conflict and communicate effectively, couples can build a stronger foundation for their relationship resulting in greater happiness and fulfilment. This can lead to an overall satisfaction in the relationship.

Relationship counselling offers a neutral, collaborative space for couples or individuals to learn about their relational styles and gain awareness of their issues individually and collectively.

With commitment, dedication, and a willingness to work together, relationship therapy can help you to build a stronger, healthier, and happier relationship.